First Winner First Random
The world is as marvelous as you make it
13rd of December is one of marvelous day ever. I am wondering
It was such an incredible day(s) with Mbak Manda and Afkari. After September that already brought us to the Top 9 then December brought us to the WINNER. Slowly but sure : MISSION COMPLETE ALREADY. Hope this is just the last of 2016, let this as continuous mission.
Thank you so much anyway. Despite Man Team wouldn't sparring with us before the match, showing like not 'kompak' right ? But the tragedy of 'kompak' right know on how we got the same accomplishment which is Firsssst bruuuh on this special random debate.
OFC, we'll have Jepara on 2017 but I am not really sure for Mbaa Manda, Mas Arham, Mas Wina, and Mas Riziq, they were 6th grade. Me and Afka on 5th grade. I don't know tomorrow, but the responsibility of me and Afka is looking for cadre of debate : Regeneration ! See ?
To everyone who willing in Kweekschool Istri please let me know.
Thank you PP Al Imdad Bantul. Thank you for different experience on this debate competition. Truly struggling and transformative moment of us without COACH : Mbaa Ratri meppomeppo.
Cc : next debate competition, let me win again yea ? Would you ?
Best wishes
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